7 events found.
Week of Events
Classical guitar by Chris Rude
Classical guitar by Chris Rude
Feeling classy? Join us for classical guitar music by Chris Rude today, 1-4pm!
Meet the November artist, Jeff Nelson
Meet the November artist, Jeff Nelson
Jeff Nelson is an artist living in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. His work is primarily watercolor and oil Nature is a recurring theme in his art. There are original paintings as well as prints available. Visit with Jeff on the 24th and learn what drives the artist to create his life-like images.
Music at the winery by James Grant
Music at the winery by James Grant
Join James at the winery with family and friends as he performs from 1-4 p.m.
Closed for Thanksgiving
Closed for Thanksgiving
Elmaro Vineyard will be closed on Thursday, November 24th, so we can spend time with our families and friends.
Music at the winery by Right Side Up
Music at the winery by Right Side Up
Right Side Up is an acoustic duo based in Winona, Minnesota. From folk to rock, Ward and Terry provide the rhythm to get your foot a tapping and your heart a beatin'.