2-5pm, Tunes by Tim Dallman

Join Tim for a fun and festive afternoon of music (you'll know most of the songs), wine, and a good time all around.

Reiki at Elmaro, 12-5pm

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also provides healing, and based on the idea that unseen life force energy flows through and around us. Georgi…

Sample Sunday, 12-5pm

Sauces, dips, sweets, more! Try one or try all the samples that we will be serving. All of the foods that will be sampled are sold and served at Elmaro.…

National Peanut Butter Day, 10-7pm

Elmaro is celebrating National Peanut Butter Day with samples of peanut butter pie and a glass of wine for $6. We highly recommend the Edelweiss, it's peanut butter-rific!

Winter Activities You Can Do, 6-7pm

No bugs, no ticks, no crowds, no poisonous plants, expanded areas to walk, breathtaking ice formations, and more peace during winter. The argument is there for winter being the best…

Yoga & Brunch, 8:30am

Join Laura (co-owner and winemaker) for a relaxing hour of yoga followed by a continental brunch and a mimosa. $15/person, and reservations can be made by calling 608-534-6456.

Sangria & Nachos, 10-6pm

Shake off winter with fruity Elmaro Rosa Sangria for $6 a glass, and nachos for $3.