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A pumpkin filled with succulents on a wooden cutting board.

Pumpkin Succulent Class

Create a beautiful succulent topped pumpkin centerpiece at Elmaro on September 27th at 6:30 p.m.! Bring your own flat-topped, 8-inch pumpkin, and Elmaro will provide a glass of wine, supplies, succulents, and the instructor. $35 + tax/person, Call the tasting room at 608-534-6456 for required reservations.

Here are the recommendations on selecting the perfect pumpkin for the class:

*Consider where you want to display your pumpkins before selecting color, size, and shape.
*Bring one 8 inch pumpkin OR two 4 inch mini pumpkins to the workshop.
*Pumpkins should have a flat top to provide adequate surface to adhere moss and succulents to. Jarrahdale, fairytale, and Cinderella varieties as well as mini pumpkins work very well. *Alternatively, you can use a squash variety that lays horizontal if you prefer that look.
*Keep the stem on the pumpkin, which helps slow the decay of the pumpkin and provides structure to glue items to.
*Do not polish the pumpkin with any products or glue will not stick to them, simply wipe off any dirt that may be on them with a dry to damp cloth.

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