Meet Colleen Shore, artist of the month
“Feathered Friends”
Colleen’s art display of original oil paintings for the month of May is titled, “Feathered Friends”.
“To honor World Migratory Bird Day in May, my display will be featuring the plight and flight of birds.
From messages birds might want to give us, to celebrating the seasonal migration of warblers. Birders and Bird fans will enjoy the variety of ways birds are portrayed and their impact on our lives. I enjoy working in oils and continue to experiment by incorporating collage, cold wax and different surfaces and techniques. Hope you’ll stop by and see my newest body of work.
As a thank you to those that help us appreciate our natural setting, 20% of my sales in the Crush Pad at Elmaro during my May exhibit will be donated to the Friends of Trempealeau Refuge. Also a special shout out to Bruce Bartel and Henrietta Burke for sharing their bird photos with me as inspiration for many of my paintings.”
Colleen Shore
More information at cshoreartwork.blogspot.com